Linkedin Career Advice, Capt.Shekhar Gupta
It is very important for an individual to find the right job according to his interests and passion. People always find difficulty while choosing the job, then comes the involvement of mentoring which plays a key role to the prominent job seekers as these mentors would be back of them on each and every step and they guide them into the right path. There is a famous website which is used for professional purposes that helps an individual in search of a new job according to his or her interest or stay connected professionally through this media platform.
LinkedIn launched CAREER ADVICE, a feature that connects people across the LinkedIn network and can get mentorship or advice regarding their jobs and career planning. Basically, career advice will help you to connect with the people whom you can share your professional need and help you to manage things accordingly.
Here is the link that will help you to guide how you can connect to an adviser in LinkedIn :
There are about 530 million professionals in the LinkedIn community that are open to giving you advice and there is no other platform that you could find such a wide range of opportunities, knowledge, skill, and the resources to achieve your missions and goals.
Capt Shekhar Gupta, CEO Aerosoft Corp. Has been chosen as one of the advisors and are ready to guide you towards the success he is a professional pilot with more than 10 years of experience of flying on 14 different types of aircrafts in 10 different countries with the accident-free record. Shekhar is good in flying, training as in ground class for pilots. He started his flying career from skycabs(Colombo) and worked for many airlines training companies from different parts of the world so here he basically has a good exposure regarding different places. He is a member of Aircrafts Owners & Pilots Association (USA), Royal Society of Aeronautics (UK), Delhi Flying Club, Aeronautical Society of India, MP Flying Club Indore, Aeronautical Research Society. His passion is Aviation SEO for which he takes classes for IIT & IIM students in India and Abroad.You can connect him directly with one click in/shekharaerosoft.
BBA Second Year, Bhavan's
LinkedIn : mwlite/me
#career advices
#platform to connect
#Capt. Shekhar Gupta
#CEO Aerosoft corp.
By: Akkumahanthi Sowmya
BBA Second year, Bhavan's
LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin. com/mwlite/me
Twitter: @sowmya_12
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