Creative Thought Process for MBAs by Pragati Agrawal

Creative Thought Process for MBAs  

by Pragati Agrawal  

An Idea :- 

1. PREPARATION :- The first stage is the idea of PREPARATION, the idea that you are immersing yourself in the domain. If you area musician you are absorbing a lot of the music that is inspiring you to create 

this new piece. If you’re a writer you are reading other writers in this area. If you are an artist you are looking at other artist’s work in the area that you are looking at creating something in. If you are a scientist you

 are looking at all the background research. And if you are an entrepreneur or marketer you are looking at all the previous market research and what other companies have done before.

2. INCUBATION :- The second stage is what we call the INCUBATION stage. In incubation this is when all the information that you have gathered in the PREPARATION stage really goes back. It starts to churn in

 the back of your mind, in the sub-consciousness. This is an extremely important stage because sometimes it can takes days, or weeks, or months or sometimes even years. That idea that you’ll think about writing 

about a book or piece of music, and you’re writing about it and you just leave it to the side for a while and then you come back to it. Now the interesting thing about the incubation stages it that to a certain extent 

it is not really under your control how long that stage will take. It is something you cannot really rush because what it leads to is the third stage.

3. INSIGHT :- The third stage is what most of the public think is a classic signal or sign of a creative person, what is called the INSIGHT stage or the insight step. With insight it is really the idea of the ‘Aha’ moment,

 the ‘Eureka’ moment. Although it is probably the smallest part of the five steps, it is possibly one of the most important parts. On one of my subsequent videos I’ll take you more into how to increase your chances 

of having those ‘Aha’ moments, those insights. A quick thing I would say here is that they most often happen when you are doing some kind of low-level physical activity; going for a shower, driving a car, having a 

walk. This is because your subconsciousness in the previous stages is bubbling away and this insight stage really allows the mind to work on something else. And then bring these ideas to the forefront of your mind. 

So that’s the third stage, the insight’s stage. And now we go on to the fourth stage.

4. EVALUATION :- The fourth stage is this idea of EVALUATION. This is something I have a problem with. I think it is an area that a lot of creative people struggle with because often you have so many ideas and 

you have a limited amount of time. So the evaluation stage is important because this is where it requires self-criticism and reflection. It is asking yourself questions like:

“Is this a novel or new idea or is it one that is just re-hashed and has been done before?”

It’s the idea of going out to a small group of trusted friends and saying:

“I’ve had this idea, what do you think about this?”

It is very important part because we only have a limited amount of time to do certain things. Often you find that people who are called the most ‘creative people’ are often very good at this stage, the evaluation 

stage. They have all these ideas but they can use self-criticism and reflection to say “these are the ones that have the most merit and that I’m going to work on”.

5. ELABORATION :- And then we have the final stage. This is called ELABORATION. This is where Edison said that it’s “1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”. Now the elaboration stage is the 99% perspiration 

stage. This is where you are actually doing the work. So many people out there think that the creative process is that insight, that ‘Aha’ moment, or the the preparation part. But really a creative individual isn’t 

complete, and I don’t think they can do anything that really lasts, unless they can go through that and actually put in the hard work. The elaboration; testing the idea, working on the idea, those late nights in the 

studio, working at your desk, those hours in the laboratory if you are scientist, those days testing and micro-testing products. This is the elaboration stage.

Brainstorming :- This technique can be very useful in small or large-scale problems that require a creative solution. The main goal is to form a group of people and throw around ideas without interference.

The general idea of brainstorming is that, by having an excess of creative potential solutions, it gets easier to reach one with the highest level of quality. Brainstorming has several advantages that can help

you exercise your creative thinking skills. For starters, it does not require a rigid structure to function, being very informal. However, it can be facilitated by professional guidance. Also, the people involved 

do not even need to be together at the same time, as you can use a virtual setting or put ideas into a shared document. For it to work well, all participants must be aware of the problem that requires a creative 

solution and are familiar with how brainstorming works. In the end, do not forget to register all the ideas through proper documentation.

Creativity :- The focus on creativity and innovation is important because most problems might require approaches that have never been created or tried before. It is a highly valued skill to have individually and one

that businesses should always aspire to have among their ranks. After all, the word creativity means a phenomenon where something new is created.

Creative thinking is a skill and, like any other, it needs constant exercise to stay sharp. You need to regularly expose yourself to situations in which a new idea is needed and surround yourself with like-minded 

people to achieve this goal.Such a process is made easier with the use of certain techniques. They help get you on the right mindset and provide the basic structure to reach new ideas on demand.

Advantages by developing creative thinking skills:

Create the best solutions


Workplace involvement

Understanding of data


Teamwork and bonding

Consistency :- A surprising key to unlocking creativity might be the last thing you expect, and that is consistency. We might assume creative types are those who wait for inspiration to strike, then delve into a 

frenzy of creativity. The elusive muse whispers a genius idea to them spur of the moment, and they lock themselves in a room for days until they emerge to present a perfect final product. However, there is more

discipline to creativity than we imagine. Motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” Even in the creative process, consistency

becomes a habit, which produces reliable results…versus random surges of creative flow. Creativity is like muscle memory. A professional athlete doesn’t work out only when they feel inspired to train. They 

consistently train, persisting through pain, exhaustion, and frustration. They show up daily and do the work necessary to excel – that’s how they make it to the realm of the elite.You may not always feel inspired 

when you sit down to solve a problem, or write a book, or design a new logo for your company. But when you show up to the task consistently, creativity will come to you during the time you designate for it. 

This may seem counterintuitive, but when you make the space for creativity, and it knows when and where to show up, you might be surprised how creative your work becomes.

Innovation :- Many people think that creativity is only for artists, inventors, and other creative types. The truth is that innovative skills are also crucial to business management careers. This blog post will introduce

readers to the benefits of developing creativity in a business management career and how such skills can help one move up the ladder with ease. Individuals need to be creative in order to grow their knowledge 

and skills. This can be achieved through lifelong learning, career development, and innovation. Lifelong learning is the process of extending your knowledge throughout your life by engaging in activities that aim 

for acquiring new skill sets. Career development involves completing tasks such as goal setting, developing soft skills, and self-reflecting on how you can improve your performance at work. Innovation is the act 

of creating something new or innovative that has not existed before, which could be a business idea or an invention.

Zero Talent needed :- 

1. Being on time. Punctuality is a keystone habit that requires organization and planning ahead—both of which lead to greater success. Here’s a good primer on why being on time is important and how anyone 

can make it a habit.

2. Effort. Few athletes worked as hard as major league pitcher John Smoltz, who is now in the Baseball Hall of Fame. As his agent, I saw him extend his career by years through sheer effort and commitment. 

He made up his mind to make changes along the way, like going from starter to closer, that kept him in the game as a valuable contributor to his team. Effort is a mindset as much as it is a behavior.

3. Body language. How you move and express yourself around others shapes who you are and how you are perceived. Anyone can improve, and here’s a TED talk that explains why and how.

4. Attitude. It’s up to you to keep going. No one else can decide that. A great attitude maximizes the talent that you do have and offsets what you lack.

5. Passion. Perhaps the single most important way each one of us can suffocate the fear that keeps us from peak performance.

Mending of Thoughts in a Positive frame :- Positive thinking is the practice of focusing on the positive side of things. It’s part of positive psychology, and has been increasingly popular since the 1990’s.In fact,

 the power of positive thinking has been known for millennia. Greek philosophers celebrated the importance of concepts like “eudaimonia” (roughly translated to fulfillment) and hedonic happiness, or subjective 

wellbeing. And slightly more recently, Thomas Jefferson advised to “Take things always by their smooth handle”.

Pragati Agrawal MBA 

Business Analyst

AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd. 

 Explain Creative  Thought Process for MBAs ? 

#An Idea

#Brain Stroming






#Zero Investment needed

#Zero Talent needed

#Thinking Process.

#Mending of  Thoughts in a Positive frame.

#Be Attentive, 




#Value Proposition

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