What is a Productive Attitude

What is a Productive Attitude

Attitudes of Successfully Productive People Accept Self-Responsibility They see themselves as the primary cause of their outcomes and experiences. Discover Self-Motivation They find purpose in their lives by discovering personally meaningful goals and dreams. Master Self Management

Attitude & Productivity

  • Attitude is a tendency to respond towards the certain things such as situation, object, person, idea, etc.

  • Attitudes are infectious, whether you have a negative or a positive attitude. 

  • So, associate with enthusiastic people, with achievers, and with winners.

  • Productivity is not only about using the right techniques and tools at the right time; it is also about having the right mindset. 

  • Attitudes can make all the difference in your productivity.  

Characteristics of a Productive Attitude


First, Look for the Positive

  • In every situation or in every person, there is something good. Most of the time it’s not obvious. 

  • You have to look and sometimes you have to look hard.

  • A conviction that no matter how good or how bad things may be, they're going to get better and you can help to make them become so.

Be Enthusiastic

  • Do something to generate enthusiasm. 

  • Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. 

  • Being enthusiastic is good for the soul.

Accept the Responsibility

  • Accepting responsibility is the key to better results and relationships. 

  • When you accept a responsibility in your life, you are acknowledging that no situation is permanent. 

  • If a situation is not going as you wish, you are going to take the charge and get it back on track.

  • Focus on the solutions instead of problems, avoid blaming others, focus on what you can influence, own your problems, and forget fairness are the five ways to accept responsibility.

Believe in Self and Others

  • A respect for people and their contributions, especially yours.

Believe the Best about Others

  • Focus on what you have instead of what you do not have.

  • Instead of dwelling on what you do not have, you appreciate what you already have. 

  • Contemplate how you can utilize what you already have to achieve what you do not have.

Focus on What you CAN instead of what you can not

  • Focus on what you can do, and leave what you can not. 

  • You can control your inputs, but not your outputs. 

  • Focusing on what you can’t often takes your attention and energy away from what you can. 

  • When you focus on what you can do, it takes discipline. 

  • While focusing on what you can do, you don't worry as much about what you cannot.

Focus on what IS WORKING instead of what is not working

  • When you focus on what is working instead of what is not working. 

  • That is, shift from being problem-oriented to being solution-oriented.

Remember Good Days instead of Bad


Golden Rules of Productive Attitude


Problems are the Opportunities

  • There are no problems - only opportunities.

  • When you mostly focus on the problems, you will fail to see the opportunities right in front of you.

  • When you focus on the problems and what is wrong, then you will only see problems. As a result, you will fail to see the opportunities and creative solutions.

  • Problems can give rise to opportunities instead of setting you back and causing worry and stress.

Mistakes are the Research and Learning Opportunities

  • When you make mistakes, you need to realize that and you can try again and not beat yourself up over it.

  • You should consider mistakes as “opportunities” to better encourage learning that might come from them.

Criticism is the Scope of Improvement

  • There are two indisputable facts about your lives: nothing is perfect and the only way to improve something is to find and correct its flaws.

  • You can infer that everything should be open to criticism and that criticism is necessary if you ever want to improve anything.

  • To make things better in your career, relationships, life in general, etc. you have to fight against the stigma of the criticism and you have to learn to give it without being negative.

  • Remove focus from individual, be specific, get it out, frame your criticism with compliments, offer suggestions, recognize your own subjectivity are the way to voice criticism with being positive.

Influence Environment to Add Productive Behavior


Spread a SMILE

  • Personal happiness increased by connecting with others, even with strangers.

  • Go beyond the normal circle and say a hearty “good morning” to the staff or the executive, to extend the feel-good factor across the whole organization.

Say “Please” and “Thank You”

  • Saying “Please” is very important to let another know that you are not taking them 'for granted' but you have made your request.

  • “Please” makes a clear that you appreciate others as free to choose and a practice EMPATHY.

  • Saying "Thank you" is also very important to let another know that you appreciate their actions.

Evaluate YOUR behavior

  • Behavioral assessments help you to understand your behavior and it includes observing the behavior, which may be done in real-time or through the use of a questionnaire

  • Assessments can also include describing your behavior and explaining why that is happening as well as the purpose of serving it.

  • Focus on the good of each day

  • Never miss an opportunity to complement 

Key Commandments of Being Productive

  • Be bold and upbeat.

  • Know what’s going on and try new things.

  • Tell stories and tell the truth.

  • Act and collaborate.

  • Seek out the ideas of others.

  • Remain calm and admit mistakes.

  • Plan, execute, monitor and control.

  • Speak spontaneously and use direct language.

  • Communicate openly.

  • Be visible and accessible.

  • Be courageous.

  • Take a chance and go for it.

  • Think for yourself and treat others fairly.

  • Be friendly instead of hostile.

  • Be open instead of closed.

  • Be supportive instead of discouraging.

  • Be relaxing instead of stressful.

  • Be inclusive instead of divisive.

  • Be positively reinforcing.

  • Be flexible and passionate.

  • Help people have fun doing what they are doing.

Attitudes of Successfully Productive People


Accept Self-Responsibility

  • They see themselves as the primary cause of their outcomes and experiences.

Discover Self-Motivation

  • They find purpose in their lives by discovering personally meaningful goals and dreams.

Master Self Management

  • They are consistently planning and taking purposeful actions in pursuit of their goals and dreams.

Employ Interdependence

  • They are building mutually supportive relationships that help them achieve their goals and dreams. 

  • They are helping others to do the same.

Gain Self-Awareness

  • They are consciously employing behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes that keep them on course.

Adopt Lifelong Learning

  • They find valuable lessons and wisdom in nearly every experience they have.

Develop Emotional Intelligence

  • They effectively manage their emotions in support of their goals and dreams.



Productive Attitude - Leadership 

 Attitudes that make a productive difference



The first step to progress is awareness of where we are right now. For example, to increase your awareness about how you use your time, consider time tracking during the day for a week so you can monitor what you’re doing and how much time you spend on each activity. Ask yourself if you are on auto-pilot or if you are mindful of each task you are doing.

We also want to strive to be aware of the results of our actions. Are the things we are doing getting us the results we want? Life is the result of the choices we make.

In addition to being aware of our time, tasks, and results, we want to be fully aware of who we really are. As humans, we are able to persuade ourselves of things that aren’t true and we can be self-deceived about who we are and what we want. We should practice mindfulness — also known as a non-judgmental observation.


One online dictionary defines intentional as “done in a way that is planned or intended.” Intentionality is about having (and knowing) the “why” behind what you do. I love what one writer said: “Intentional living is about knowing why you do what you do and why you don’t do what you don’t do.”

The opposite of living with intention is to just drift through life. A truly productive woman is one who orders her life in such a way as to maximize her positive impact on the world around her–by definition that requires intention and purpose. We choose to live and we decide how we want to live. Living on purpose, with purpose.


If we believe that life is something that happens to us, rather than something we create, we are unlikely to be truly productive. The attitude of passive resignation can result in inactivity as we look outside ourself for the cause of everything in our life that we don’t like. Choosing not to choose is still a choice.

Remember that while you can’t control other people’s actions or situations around you, you can control how you react to them. By controlling your thoughts, you control your emotions, which puts you in a position to take charge of your actions. Your actions then lead to results. Learning to believe that you create your own life is a key to true productivity.

Action Item: This week, pay attention to how often you find yourself blaming an “outside” person or circumstance for something in your life that you don’t like. Consider how your choice affects the results in your relationship or situation.

Action Item: Combine awareness and self-determination: Ask yourself, “What is something I really want to experience or accomplish? What do I need to do to make that happen?” Make a choice today to work toward that goal.


People who are more grateful are happier and happier people are more productive. Studies show that giving and receiving gratitude releases dopamine in your brain which increases energy levels.

Gratitude is a function of attention.”

Many behavioral experts recommend keeping a gratitude journal, as it has been proven to improve health, strengthen relationships, improve sleep, decrease illness, and reduce anxiety and depression (there’ve been tons of studies about this). Keeping a journal puts you in the habit of looking for things to be grateful for. If you look for things to be grateful for each day, you will find them.

Grateful people are happier, and happier people are more productive.”

In addition to a gratitude journal, we can also implement other small gratitude practices such as pausing when you are at a stoplight and looking for something that brings you joy, whether it be a cool breeze or a beautiful sunset. Let yourself feel that gratitude.

You can also practice gratitude by looking someone in the eye, like a store clerk, and expressing a sincere “thank you.”

Shriya Kumari [MBA HR] 

Manager HR

AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.






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