Data Manipulation Techniques: From Raw Data to Insights

Data Manipulation Techniques: From Raw Data to Insights

Techniques for manipulating data are essential for turning raw data into insightful information. Here are a few typical methods employed in the procedure:

Data cleaning is necessary because raw data frequently has errors, missing numbers, outliers, or inconsistencies. To resolve these problems and make sure the data is accurate and dependable, data cleaning entails deleting or impute missing items, fixing mistakes, and dealing with outliers.

Data integration: Data integration is the process of combining information from various sources into one coherent dataset. This method entails addressing data format issues, standardising variables, and combining datasets based on shared identifiers.

Data transformation: To make data appropriate for analysis, data must be transformed by changing its structure or representation. To do this, methods like as normalisation, scaling, logarithmic transformations, or the creation of new derived variables are used.

Filtering and subsetting: Filtering and subsetting is the process of choosing particular subsets of data depending on parameters like time periods, regions of the world, or particular features. These methods aid in concentrating the analysis on pertinent data subsets.

Aggregation and Summarization: Aggregation is the process of combining several data points into a single, comprehensive representation, frequently using statistics like mean, median, sum, or count. Techniques for summarising data give a broad picture of the information, facilitating greater comprehension and visualisation.

Changes to the data's structure, often from a wide to a long format or vice versa, are called "data reshaping." Using this method, data can be changed into a format that is better suited for analysis, visualisation, or certain modelling techniques.

Data encoding and standardisation: Standardising numerical variables and encoding categorical data into numerical representations helps enhance analysis and modelling. It is typical to employ methods like one-hot encoding, label encoding, or z-score standardisation.

Feature engineering is the process of developing additional variables or features based on the data already available to increase the predicted accuracy of models. This could entail coming up with polynomial features, time-based features, or interaction terms.

Data Sampling: To obtain representative subsets from a larger dataset, data sampling techniques are used. To alleviate data imbalance or lower computational needs, techniques including random sampling, stratified sampling, or over-/undersampling are used.

Time Series Analysis: Specialised methods must be used to handle temporal interdependence in time series data. To analyse and model time-dependent data, methods like lagged variables, differencing, or seasonal decomposition are used.

These methods are not all-inclusive, and the choice of strategies depends on the particular dataset, the goals of the research, and the analytical tools employed. For the integrity and correctness of the emerging insights, it is crucial to carefully and thoughtfully employ these procedures.

๐Ÿ‘Anushree Shinde  [ MBA] 

Business Analyst Venture 







Email: info@10bestincity

#DataManipulation , #DataCleaning

#DataIntegration , #DataTransformation

#DataFiltering , #DataAggregation

#DataSummarization , #DataReshaping

#DataEncoding , #FeatureEngineering

#DataSampling , #TimeSeriesAnalysis

#DataInsights , #DataAnalytics

#DataVisualization , #DataPreprocessing

#DataWrangling , #DataAnalysis

#DataMining , #DataScience

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