International Yoga Day
Before all the variety of workouts like Zumba, HIIT, Pilates, Gyms, and many more, there existed Yoga which was followed by people for better physical, mental and spiritual health. Even though Yoga has been popularized in the whole world recently, it is known that the practice of yoga has been dated as far as the pre-Vedic period of India. One of the oldest forms of movement for a healthy body, mind, and soul. It is said that yoga was developed by Adiyogi that is Lord Shiva himself. Yoga is derived from the ancient language Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means unite. Yoga is uniting of body and mind.
Even though yoga has been practiced for several thousand years, it was made popular in western countries after Swami Vivekananda introduced it to the West. Which has gained immense popularity now especially in the pandemic where people are suffering a lot. To maintain peace of mind and body, everyone is turning towards Yoga. There are many types of yoga practiced now like Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kriya yoga, Power yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Isha Yoga, flying yoga, and many more. But all the methods do focus on one thing and that is ultimate peace. Because of that, Yoga is known as the art and science of healthy living.
For many years, yoga was known for its asanas or postures, therapy, and exercise plan for health and fitness. While it is true, yoga has still a deeper meaning. The goal of yoga is self-realization. It is about harmonizing oneself with the universe. Yoga is not only for Indians or for a particular religion. Yoga is for everyone and anyone. Irrespective of one’s caste, color, gender, culture, and ethnicity, practicing yoga will yield great benefits.
Yoga postures are known for their great benefits to the human body. Every pose has a health benefit which is practiced regularly, can result in better improvement of health. Postures like Dhanurasana or Bow pose, Vakrasana is known for its benefit in decreasing Diabetes symptoms. Pranayama which is also part of yoga consists of developing a deep awareness of one’s breathing and connecting it to the body and mind.
Because of all these reasons and recognizing its importance, United Nations proclaimed that 21st June will be celebrated as International Yoga Day. This day is celebrated to spread awareness of the many benefits of yoga practice. This draft for International Yoga Day was proposed first by India by the Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This draft was backed up by 175 nations and thus established that 21st June to be celebrated as International Yoga day. On this day, there are many events will be conducted to celebrate Yoga awareness.
The Covid-19 has left not only physical problems to people but also on mental health which has impacted many by depression and anxiety. United Nations declared that Yoga can be of great help to all people to manage their mental health. And 21st June 2021, marks as seventh International Yoga Day where it is said that Yoga has been a ray of hope in times of pandemic where people are under great stress. In collaboration with World Health Organisation, India has launched the mYoga app which will help everyone in practicing yoga with training videos in several different languages to reach this globally. With this year’s theme being “Yoga for Wellness”, practicing yoga regularly can reap many health benefits and will lead to inner peace. Let us all strive towards this and achieve physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
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